
You May Want to See This Movie

October 21, 2014

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I'm Deb- CEO, worldwide executive coach, mentor, consultant and speaker. I'm here to help you take your leadership and impact to the next level!

Meet Deb

There’s a movie premiering this week, and it’s one you might want to see. It’s called 23 Blast.


23 Blast is the real-life story of Travis Freeman, a high school football player in Kentucky – a leader among his peers. One day, Travis was fine, and the next, out of the blue, he was stricken with blindness.


As with anyone who has had to deal with tragedy, Travis deeply grieved the loss of his sight, knowing that all he had hoped for and dreamed about was now well-nigh impossible to attain. Once the leader, he was now totally out of the game.


For most, the story ends there.


But for Travis, it was just the beginning of a new story.


In time and with incredible support from family and friends, Travis began to regain his spark for life. The determination that had gotten him to where he was before began to rekindle. His parents, coaches, therapist, and friends all rallied around him – providing encouragement, training, and a good dose of tough love.

And then one day, it hit the coach – as crazy as it seemed – Travis could actually get back in the game.


And so he did.


The subtitle of the movie says it all: Vision Comes From Within.


“Disability doesn’t equal inability.”

– Travis Freeman


Against insurmountable odds, Travis became a player again.


Maybe you’ve started down the path to success – in your career, in business, or in some other area of life – and have hit the wall of impossibility. The fact is, it happens to all of us at one time or another.


What you do next will be key.


  • Will you reach out to other leaders and to your support team?
  • Will you surround yourself with those who are encouragers, trainers, and supporters…or isolate yourself?
  • Will you get up every time you fall down…or give up?
  • Will you envision yourself back in the game…or stay on the bench?


I encourage you to lean on your support team and tap into your own deep well of determination. You can do more than you think!


And I invite you join my friend Mike Harbour and me for our next complimentary webinar. It’s all about derailers and how to avoid them. This is one we ALL need.

Register here today and join us on November 11.

  1. Deb – thanks for the movie recommendation! On the list now…as STORY is the thing which moves and inspires me.

    A very timely post in my world….THANK YOU! The best days are directly ahead!

  2. Archie says:

    I hardly ever watch movies or TV, but if you recommend it Deb, I’ll probably give it a watch.
    Thanks buddy, and I hope ALL…is well.