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Strength Leader Blog

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  “I am confident this approach will work, based on experience, but before we decide on our plan of action, I want to know your thoughts. Each of you sees the issue from a unique perspective, so let’s discuss. I want to hear your ideas and concerns. You may be seeing things I don’t see, […]

Hallmark of Leadership: The Balance of Confidence and Humility

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  Decision fatigue is a common malady of modern life. We’ve all been there. Faced with hundreds of options in a day that require us to decide everything from what to wear, to what customized parts of a product we want to purchase part by part, to the really big decisions that center around people […]

Leadership and Decision Fatigue


  As a leader, you are expected to bring your “A” game. And you expect your team to bring theirs. In fact, this creates a winning team, when each player is performing at their highest level. This does not happen by accident. It is based on working from a point of strengths. And it is […]

Top Level Leaders and Teams


  Networking is an important leadership skill. In fact, it is essential to personal and professional growth. It doesn’t matter if you are an introverted leader or an extroverted leader; this is a skill you need. The good news is that you can develop this skill in a way that fits your strengths. In this […]

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